
Showing posts from September, 2022

What are Our Perceptions?

Hello everyone I hope you had a marvelous week! I can't believe that it's almost October! This week I have been learning a lot about perceptions. How do we perceive the actions of others? How do these perceptions make us act towards others? What are some rules in our family that we may not perceive? Why do we have them? Are they good for our family? It's interesting to me how all of these thoughts correlate. How the small things we do each day can affect people so deeply we may not even know we have done anything. I think as we look outside ourselves and try to understand things from other people's point of view we will see that we are not as hurt by our perceptions as we were before and we will become kinder in a world that is not always very kind. What are some perceptions that we have in everyday life? Have you ever been texting a friend and then when they don't text you back right away, you worry that they don't like you or that you have offended them?

Where is the Truth?

       Hello everyone! I hope you all had an amazing week! This week I have been thinking a lot about truth. Where can we find it? How do we know that it is the truth? How do we know that what we have and what we believe is true. In today's world the truth is slowly slipping away until eventually it will be difficult if not impossible to tell what is the truth and what has been turned into confusion and chaos. You might ask, "well Hanna what made you start thinking about truth?" This week in one of my classes we were examining an article. This article had been used as evidence to pass a law, but upon further study of the article we found that the way the studies had been done did not exactly prove the point that the article made. The experiments which had been done had cut a lot of corners which skewed the evidence allowing for the point to be made. This made me think about how I will know whether an article is being completely truthful or not? How are we able to keep the

Hi! :)

Hi! I'm Hanna! I'm currently a student at BYU-Idaho! I love learning and thought I would share some of the things I have been able to learn with you! I'm excited to write some of my thoughts on family and I hope that you enjoy them! :)