
Showing posts from November, 2022

Money Money Money

Today's world is consumed by thoughts of having enough, being enough and what other people have. Unfortunately we are quite focused on what we think we need. How do we get the things that we need? We get these things through having money. Because of this it can be really hard when a couple decides that they want to start a family. Rather than being able to focus on the family that they want to have, they are often forced to think about how they are going to make enough money in order to provide for their family. The mother often worries about not working because she wants to be able to help provide. Mothers struggle with being home for their children or deciding to work. Going from two incomes to one can put a strain on the finances but at the same time being home for your family is important. So how does one go about doing this? How does a couple transition from having two incomes to one? Hopefully I can share some tips in this blog that will help you to learn more about it. If yo

Communication the Do's

This week we are going to be talking about communication which I think everyone can improve on. Personally, communication has never been something that I am particularly good at. I'm a naturally shy person and generally tend to keep my thoughts to myself. But I love listening to other people and trying to help them with the things that they are struggling with.Unfortunately when it comes to expressing my own thoughts and emotions things don't work out as well. Oftentimes, I hold my emotions in for so long that when I do try to express them, they come out in a big messy explosion. So how do we change this and do something in the middle of the two extremes? How do we share our feelings without having a big explosion that ends up hurting someone. Luckily our friend Dr. David Burns has come up with a solution. The "Five Secrets of Effective Communication." Everyone loves learning about secrets right, especially when they can help you overcome communication issues that you

Pressure, Pushing Down on Me, Pushing Down on You...

"No man asks for, under pressure that brings a building down, Splits a family in two, puts people on streets Mm-ba-ba-beh, mm-ba-ba-beh." (Under Pressure by David Bowie and Queen) Haha I hope you enjoyed that small song. I think it introduces our topic this week really well actually. This week I wanted to talk about the different pressure's or crises that families and relationships can go through and how we can deal with them in a healthy manner. In the song it says "pressure that brings a building down, splits a family in two, puts people on streets." When something hard happens to our family, we sometimes break apart. In difficult times we let the experiences that we have get in the middle of our relationship, and end up hurting the ones we love rather than drawing closer to them. This is something that is fairly common with people, but it is not what happens to all. In some cases going through difficult things can help families to grow closer to one another.

Don't Go Breaking My Heart

Woohoo Nobody knows it... Anyway, now that I've gotten that song stuck in your head, what do you think we are going to talk about this week? We're going to talk about how to not break another's heart once you are married. Something I have noticed throughout my life has been that a lot of marriages are not staying together. Divorce is a very common thing or you don't even get married at all. This is something that is kind of terrifying. How do I ensure that my marriage will stay together after I have gone through all the trouble of creating the relationship? How do I make sure that I do not hurt and am not hurt? While there is no possible way that I could go through all of the avenues one can strengthen and help a relationship to thrive in this blog, I will try to go over one major thing which I feel could help any relationship to grow closer together. One major problem that can cause marriages to end is an affair. An affair is when a spouse goes behind the other spouse&